
Judging homebrews isn’t as easy as it sounds

The judging sheet, our “calibration beer”, and a sheet of beer faults. Judging a homebrew is a fascinating experience. It’s fun, challenging, and ultimately quite rewarding. It allows one to really get into the nitty gritty...

Making hard cider, part 2

My last column went into detail on the basics and equipment you need to make hard cider. This week, you’ll learn what needs to be done to brew a better cider. Making the Cider To get good...

Making hard cider, part 1

The only thing better than hard cider is hard cider you make for yourself. Americans have homebrewed hard cider since the early days of colonization, and it’s a remarkably simple process that I’ll detail below. Books...

Start homebrewing your beer with these tips

If dad (or hubby) loves his beer, especially his craft brews, why not get him into homebrewing? Let him explore his passion for beer this coming Father’s Day by becoming your personal brewer! It’s easy, it’s...