Otter Creek

Battleship Brewfest blasts bodacious beers

What’s gray, hoppy, and 35 tons of fun? The Battleship Brewfest, of course! Held October 12, the third annual brewfest was a blast of brews, food, music, and friendly folks. Set up under a tent or...

Beautiful beers, beautiful Vermont

Sipping a tasty brew in Burlington, Vt., as the sun sets over Lake Champlain. The Vermont Brewer’s Festival is a must-attend event. Ah, Vermont! The rustic land of mountains, farms, villages, and friendly folk is famous...

Spring/summer is here, time for beer

Ah, spring in New England is a thing of wonder: full of promise, renewal, dandelions, and new seasonal brews! I’ll admit right up front that I’m not a huge fan of the fruit and wheat beers...