Yuengling returns to Massachusetts

The Yuenglings are coming! The Yuenglings are coming! Or so goes the refrain for fans of the much-beloved Pennsylvania brewery. For the first time in 20 years, Yuengling will be available in Massachusetts, starting on March 3.


Yuengling, America’s oldest and now largest brewery (a position they trade regularly with Boston Beer, the makers of Sam Adams), will hit our stores with three beers – Yuengling Light, Black & Tan, and their Traditional Lager.

The lager is what Yuengling is best known for. An easy-drinking brew with just a bit more flavor than the Bud/Miller/Coors of the world, the Traditional Lager walks a fine line between the world of craft beer and the standard American light lager.

I know multiple folks who are huge fans of Yuengling, but I never quite got the appeal until I had it on tap. Out of the bottle, I can barely distinguish it from B/M/C, but it’s a different animal on tap … bready, crisp, fairly flavorful, and really easy to drink a lot of.

Yes, my Beer Geek Card was just revoked by quite a few hopheads and beer geeks out there, but anyone that’s been reading along knows that I’m fairly open-minded about beers and can appreciate a beer like Yuengling. As an amateur brewer, I recognize how hard it is to make a good lighter beer, and Yuengling does a great job of it.

Beer News

Many readers may not know about the fantastic weekly free beer opportunity at Newport Storm in Newport, RI on Friday nights. Sign up on their Facebook page after noon on Fridays and show up at 6 p.m. for a couple of hours of open taps and a festive atmosphere. My wife and I have been dozens of times, and almost always make new friends and have a good time.

I haven’t written about Norton’s Bog Iron Brewing before, largely because they aren’t really available in the New Bedford region, but that could change soon. They just doubled their brewing capacity, so probably could end up in our area in the near future.

California’s Coronado Brewing Company has also recently landed in Massachusetts. I was able find them at North Attleboro’s nifty Natty Greene’s Tavern and tried their excellent Idiot IPA and their truly delicious Jurata, a collaboration with Tampa’s top-notch brewery Cigar City. Look for them to be available at your favorite watering hole soon.

I actually went to Natty Greene’s on a quest for Homestead Hard Cider, which I mentioned in my last column. It was amazing. Simultaneously sweet and tart, the brew was top-notch.  Still brand-new, the Attleboro-brewed cider is currently available in very few locations, but they will be quintupling production shortly.

The Mayflower Brewing Spring Hop has come ashore. A delicious hoppy amber beer, Spring Hop is one of my favorite spring seasonals, and I’ll be seeking it out shortly.

Finally, all the past Good Brew Hunting columns are now available at www.GoodBrewHunting.com. I’m still working on the site, but now when I reference an old column, it can be easily found on the GBH site.

I really appreciate feedback! Hit me with ideas for beers, events, or breweries at www.facebook.com/GoodBrewHunting or via email at goodbrewhunting@gmail.com.

Originally posted on March 1, 2014